Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The little things in life.

So this day started off great....the sun was shining, my Son still had one more day off from school, I was having people over for breakfast, and I had my favorite coffee to brew for friends and family! Oh, and the most important thing...everything was ready!! I just had to heat it up! If things aren't ready to go then I start to panic so I make sure that I never go into panic mode.
Anyways...I showered and got ready to come down and brew the coffee....I couldn't wait for the sweet smells of my chocolate raspberry creme coffee to fill my home. I filled the reservoir up with 12 cups of coffee (because I knew this coffee would be a big hit and I was right...), turned the coffee maker on and went about my businesses. As the aroma was filling my home so were strange noises that didn't sound very good. I happened to look over to see my coffee maker falling apart!! Right in the middle of brewing my little cup of heaven!! What was I to do other than to PANIC!! I managed to hold it together long enough for it to brew 6 and a 1/2 cups of coffee....but what happened to the rest of the water? And more importantly....did I have any instant coffee to offer my guests??
As panic sets in (didn't I just say that I do everything in my power to avoid panic??) my husband....my one and only said that he would drink tea instead and save the coffee for us. What a man....taking one for the team! ;-)
Luckily we all had one big mug of coffee and we enjoyed every last drop of it!
Needless to say...the old maker went in the trash and the new one was set in it's rightful place on the counter.
I will enjoy it tomorrow as I brew my new orange cream coffee. :)

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