Saturday, October 23, 2010

Gobble Gobble....

Turkey day is right around the corner...can you believe it?? This is of course after Jason scares the bejeezers out of us, Freddy invades our dreams, and all the little ghosts and goblins take our candy. I don't know which is more scary!! :)

Anyways, when I was a kid, Halloween was the starting point to the holidays for me...the pivotal moment where all was right with the world and Santa made everything all better. Now as an adult, Halloween means so much means parties, teas, get togethers, decorating, present buying, wrapping, card making, card writing, baking and aye aye aye!! The list goes on and on!! It's no longer a magical moment in time but rather a tiring FĂȘte that seems to never end but at the same time is over in the blink of an eye.

I may seem to be a goddess of organization at times...(at least that is what some of my friends call me) but that title doesn't come easy. I am going to share one thing with you that helps me get through both big and small events.

Now you may want to write this me, you'll want to keep this tip with you at all times!!


3 small words that make a world of difference....


Make a couple of lists if you need to but definitely make a list!! Make sure you carry your notepad with you....everywhere!! Make sure to write everything down and when I say everything, I mean everything because eventually you will forget to write at least one thing down if you don't have that list with you at all times!!

I know it seems elementary but it is the key to success!! My lists have helped me get through some very important events in my life....such as the birth of my Son! :) Seriously...if I didn't have a list he would have come home clothed in a diaper and a hospital blanket! Even my husband loved my list at the time!!

Anyways....I digress....what you learned tonight was the key to success and the prescription for keeping your sanity. You can thank me later! :)


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